October 8th

Well…4:14…and that sucked…but I was able to get back to sleep until after 6 so that was okay…and I feel a little better today…not anywhere near as worn out as I have been so I’ll take it…and my legs are not nearly as painful as they have been with only doing about 6 miles in the rain yesterday…and it looks like I won’t get out til this afternoon with the rain that is coming in about a half hour from now…I do need to make a run to menards this morning for more grass seed and I’ll do that as soon as I get done with this….I wonder why there is no antibiotic cream on the shelves anymore? Have looked for it for months now and I may have to get it on amazon if I can’t find any locally…I’m almost out after using a lot of it on my thumb and need it when I damage my hands….and the stuff with painkiller in it really helps when I do major damage like with my thumb….I did basically take the day off yesterday but I won’t do that again today unless it rains all day…should get on unpacking the stuff downstairs and getting rid of the old clothes I don’t use anymore…and I got the parts for the bike the other day and should get at putting the black one back together with the knobby tires I planĀ  on using for winter riding….I should get a battery for the computer on the specialized bike that I’m going to put on the trainer to ride inside over the winter….but, I don’t feel like doing any of that right now….need more coffee and to read some news to start my day….more later….

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