Well…the whiners on the right are trying to torpedo the infrastructure bill that the dems are negotiating with them for by saying that “we can’t afford it” and the 350 billion dollar a year pricetag is just too high….to put that in perspective, we just have to look at the amount of money that billionaires have made in the last two years of the pandemic. It was reported just yesterday that these folks net worth increased by almost 1.9 trillion dollars…yep, that’s trillion with a t and that is just sick….look, if we just taxed these people at the rate that regular people pay, around 20 percent, the whole bill would be paid for with an extra 30 billion left over…and that doesn’t even include what could be done if we finally has a minimum corporate tax rate of say 15% which would bring in another 100 billion a year at least…so, again, the repubs are lying when they say “we can’t afford it”…we CAN afford it, if they would just get out of the way and let government work for the people for a change….geez…