Well…with the revelations that have come out about what goes on inside of facebook over the past couple of weeks, people just need to stop using facebook for all of the damage it has done across the world. And just today, an article came out that shows that Zuckerberg runs the whole show and the board of directors is just a sham and have nothing to do with corporate governance….so now we know that it is Zuckerberg alone who is responsible for all of the lies and misinformation that oozes from it…and for getting trump elected and giving us the January 6th insurrection since facebook was used by the attackers to organize and plan the attack. One person should never have that much power and something needs to be done about it, whether it is breaking up the company, forcing it to take on an independent board of directors…or my favorite, just stop using it and get it the hell out of our lives….you can live without it…as I do….the only thing I use it for is to keep up with my family but not even very much of that….just today, one of the company’s officers warned the employees that there is going to be more and more bad news about facebook and what they have been doing to help the right wingers destroy this country…and all for just money…just for Zuckerberg’s greed. So, just stop using it, when you do that ad revenue goes down and you aren’t helping that idiot wreak more damage just so he can line his pockets…geez….