Tag Archives: facebook

Poor Zuckerberg…

Well..it finally looks like people are getting tired of Facebook pushing hate and supporting right wing fascists across the world….over the past few days, facebook stock has lost about 25% of it’s value and it couldn’t happen to a more deserving person as Mark Zuckerberg…that means the market cap of facebook has dropped by 200 billion dollars and poor old markie himself has lost 24-26 billion dollars in the past week…and it’s all because people are getting tired of facebook’s bullshit and markie’s love of everything repub and have been leaving it in droves….I’ve never been able to understand the allure of facebook and the only reason I have an account is that the Miata club I belong to moved over to facebook from Yahoo but I very seldom use it for anything else other than to wish people happy birthday and to post photos of the progress on the house….I sure as hell don’t get my news from it since it has been proven that ole markie has built algorithms that overwhelmingly push right wing bullshit in it’s news feed over the facts or truth…so, people…keep it up…keep leaving facebook and keep making ole markie pay…maybe some day he’ll be that has been that people point at and laugh…it can’t come soon enough…

Quit using facebook…

Well…with the revelations that have come out about what goes on inside of facebook over the past couple of weeks, people just need to stop using facebook for all of the damage it has done across the world. And just today, an article came out that shows that Zuckerberg runs the whole show and the board of directors is just a sham and have nothing to do with corporate governance….so now we know that it is Zuckerberg alone who is responsible for all of the lies and misinformation that oozes from it…and for getting trump elected and giving us the January 6th insurrection since facebook was used by the attackers to organize and plan the attack. One person should never have that much power and something needs to be done about it, whether it is breaking up the company, forcing it to take on an independent board of directors…or my favorite, just stop using it and get it the hell out of our lives….you can live without it…as I do….the only thing I use it for is to keep up with my family but not even very much of that….just today, one of the company’s officers warned the employees that there is going to be more and more bad news about facebook and what they have been doing to help the right wingers destroy this country…and all for just money…just for Zuckerberg’s greed. So, just stop using it, when you do that ad revenue goes down and you aren’t helping that idiot wreak more damage just so he can line his pockets…geez….

The toddler in chief is angry…

Well…as the country and the media finally get the idea that trump is just a stupid, lying toddler in a 74 year old body and have started to call him out on it, he went into a meltdown over something twitter did that surprised the hell out of everyone…they actually flagged two tweets as being lies. I know you’ve seen and heard the repubs go to lie of voter fraud across this country that has never been supported by evidence…and with the idea gathering support that the only way to have safe elections this fall is to expand on vote by mail, as they have here in Michigan, idiot boy has used his two remaining brain cells to understand that if there is widespread vote by mail, the normal repub tactics of voter intimidation and suppression won’t work anymore and they are in a world of hurt…so, of course trump grabs at the “voter fraud” lie and pushes it relentlessly on twitter…as he has with 53,000 other lying tweets on other subjects he has posted there…but this time, twitter flags these two tweets as lies and points people to a fact check site to get the truth…and predictably the idiot boy just explodes with his ignorance of the constitution, threatening to shut down twitter…yadda,yadda…because his 1st amendment rights to lie to the country are being violated by a big bad company…hey,idiot boy…cripes, do I have to tell you this again? The only way to violate anyone’s 1st amendment rights is if the government keeps you from saying what you want to say…companies are allowed to have their own rules on what speech they will allow and there is not a damn thing you can do about it….this is just another example of how ignorant this asshole is about almost everything…how does it feel trumpie? Being called out for your lies for a change? Keep it up twitter…and hey Zuckerberg…how about your trashy facebook doing the same? It’s time…

It’s 9:10 and I’m bored…

Well….this is going much as I expected…it’s 9:10 and I’m bored already…so, that’s why I’m back here already…think I’ll do some short takes and see what happens…if you needed any reason to delete facebook, Zuckerberg just got on board with the idiot trump and has started to remove opposition ads from the Lincoln Project that tell the truth about trump and his bungling of damn near everything…so, unless you want to support trump and his cronies, stop using facebook…I have…now, that latest on the idiot is that he has ordered the “re-opening” guidance from the CDC suppressed, not that it is wrong or anything but just that it will make trump look bad since it directly contradicts what idiot boy has been saying and would give the opposition more ammunition that trump is in over his head….every damn thing is politics to this asshole…he doesn’t care one whit about Americans dying, just his re-election…but, I’ve said that before as has everybody in the fact based community…..look, we all know that idiot boy is delusional but his latest ad that uses praise from Putin is otherworldly delusional and stupid….who is it aimed at? His base could be the only target since no one on the left thinks having Putin as your buddy is an argument that will carry the day after Putin installed the wrecking ball in the WH….what else? Okay, that’s enough for now even though I’m bored…will probably be back here for a few more today since I need to be doing something, anything to stave off the boredom…

No one noticed….

Well…with the sordid details coming out of how the repubs conspired with Cambridge Analytica and the Russians to steal the 2016 election, there has been one little detail that no one noticed…at least very few people noticed…and that is that there were Facebook employees “embedded” in the CA offices helping them use Facebook data to sway people either to hate Hillary more, or to try to suppress minority votes. Yep, that’s right…Facebook actually asked it’s employees how they felt about the idiot trump and then the ones with positive views were assigned to help CA trash our election and manipulate people. That’s enough for me to think about getting off Facebook totally…I never share any personal or political stuff there since I think giving companies like Facebook salable data on me is just a little too creepy…it’s the reason I refuse to get any discount cards that you have to use at the checkouts of any store…it’s none of their damn business what I do and what I buy, and that information belongs to me…and, with the latest revelations of how Facebook interfered with the election using personal data of their users, I guess my paranoia is pretty well justified…let’s boycott Facebook and make them pay for what they’ve done….geez…

More links to trump….

Well…not sure if you saw the news stories yet that are revealing today that the data company, Cambridge Analytics, that was working for trump targeting vulnerable people during the election to spread Russian propaganda was also working for the Russian state oil company, Lukoil. Guess who controls Lukoil? Yep, you guessed it Vlad Putin…and CA met with the Russians many times before and during the elections. It was also revealed that CA stole the personal information from 50 million Facebook users and used that to micro target people to reinforce the lies that were told about Hillary and motivate right leaning people to get out and vote….and this was the determining factor in the election when only 77,000 votes were needed to steal trump a win in the Electoral College. One thing you need to remember here is how much Jared Kushner bragged that he worked with CA to win the election and Time magazine even put him on their cover for just that…but, at the time it wasn’t known how crooked CA was and how far in bed they were with the Russians. We now know what was going on not because any repub here would do their job, but because investigators in the UK are doing the job that the repubs in congress should have done…to protect the constitution but they are now like the congress in any banana republic…protecting the strongman at the top and the hell with the rule of law or the people of the country. I have this sinking feeling that the only way we can save this country is to throw the repubs out in November…but, if we miss that chance, this will be the end of the US as we know it…shame on you, repubs…impeach….