Well…with the sordid details coming out of how the repubs conspired with Cambridge Analytica and the Russians to steal the 2016 election, there has been one little detail that no one noticed…at least very few people noticed…and that is that there were Facebook employees “embedded” in the CA offices helping them use Facebook data to sway people either to hate Hillary more, or to try to suppress minority votes. Yep, that’s right…Facebook actually asked it’s employees how they felt about the idiot trump and then the ones with positive views were assigned to help CA trash our election and manipulate people. That’s enough for me to think about getting off Facebook totally…I never share any personal or political stuff there since I think giving companies like Facebook salable data on me is just a little too creepy…it’s the reason I refuse to get any discount cards that you have to use at the checkouts of any store…it’s none of their damn business what I do and what I buy, and that information belongs to me…and, with the latest revelations of how Facebook interfered with the election using personal data of their users, I guess my paranoia is pretty well justified…let’s boycott Facebook and make them pay for what they’ve done….geez…