Well…I’ve been around on the Earth a long time and have lived with vaccinations the entire time…I even remember doctors coming into the schools and vaccinating everyone for smallpox…and everyone can look at their right or left shoulder and still see the scar from that vaccination…and there were no teachers or parents bitching that they wouldn’t let their kids get vaccinated….or letting their kids get sick and die just because they are morons. With every one of my kids and myself, any time a new vaccine was ready to be used, we all went to the doctor and got it…and I just got my third covid vaccine to go with my flu vaccine for this year….and there are about 8 vaccines that kids have to have before they can go to school and no one bitched about that but a small group of morons who would believe the anti vaxx lies that were spread by word of mouth…the only difference between then and now is fox “news” and the anti vaxx assholes there who spew lies and facebook that does the same…they are responsible for hundreds of thousands of new deaths here in the US since, with the delta wave, over 96% of the deaths are in the unvacinated….who to a one parrot the fox news talking points when they are asked why they didn’t get vaccinated. So fox is murdering people with their lies as is facebook and this is as good a reason as any to break both of them up and hold them responsible for it…how? I don’t know but there must be something that can be done to stop their corrosive effect on our society…geez…