Well…a fun day yesterday with a great lunch with T…after lunch, though, I just vegged and watched movies being totally unproductive and that sloth continued into the evening with cocktails and more Neflix on my roku. I think I’m getting to the point that I don’t even watch the dish anymore….it was off in the rain last night and I didn’t even know it….I do feel a little slow this morning but I think it’s from just eating lunch yesterday and nothing else…I am going to make another pork loin roast today so I’ll make up for it later. Not much to do today..might have a SF with K and V later but I’m not sure if it will be today or tomorrow…and I have some work to do around here that I shouldn’t put off anymore….but, it will probably be more vegging later…just can’t get motivated and not sleeping well doesn’t help…I will get at least one more out today with the front page article by the Lt. Gov that basically said “trust us” something that you just can’t do with those liars….