Well…running about on time for a Sunday with getting out of bed at 7:10 and going out to get the paper…slept okay but I still think it’s weird that my nose plugs up if I sleep on my left side but it is clear if I sleep on my right….but I flip and flop all night so I can’t really control being able to breathe…and that sucks…at least it didn’t snow last night but it did rain and it is raining right now so it will be a downstairs ride again today and I am going to try to go 10 miles this morning…it is nice to not have to hurry to get out since I can go downstairs at any point with no prep….it looks like I won’t be able to pick up the leaves until Friday with rain showers forecast every day this week and that will give the rest of them a chance to fall…next week will be the first t-day in my house and my stress levels are so low knowing I have a place to live that it is going to be a good day….I may start doing some walking training around here with the England trip coming up in two years…and bike riding is not enough to be in shape for that….I do want a weight machine to start firming up but the prices are more than I want to pay…the last one I had only cost 180 bucks but the cheapest one now is over 400 bucks so I’ll have to think about that…..not much to do today….don’t have to cook with leftover chili and some eggs to use up and I really don’t need to clean much…I do need to get the dining room table cleared off for t-day so I’ll have a place to put the food when I’m done with it but I have more than a week to get that done so it will be easy…I need more coffee….more later….