Go to hell anti vaxxers…

Well…with the emergence of the new omicron variant, all I have to say is go to hell anti vaxxers…if it was for your stupidity, this mutation wouldn’t have happened since everyone infected so far has not been vaccinated…but, with the strain first identified in South Africa where they are having problems getting enough vaccine, it’s more of a logistic issue than truly anti vaccine ideology. That still doesn’t make it any better, though, since it appears that this new strain spreads even easier than the delta variant that took over the world in the last year….first reports coming out of SA are hopeful that the symptoms are milder than delta but it’s still early to know that for sure. One thing that is for sure is that the racist right wingers at all over it with one of the dumbest takes I have ever seen…I guess these morons think South Africa is the same as South America since fox news and the rest of the stupid party are yapping about South Africans coming across our southern border…yep, they think that people are walking across the Atlantic ocean to Texas I guess…I am still amazed at the ignorance of these people…by second grade I could tell the difference between Africa and South America…but these morons can’t….I would say I can’t believe it…but with these idiots, I can believe they will do or say anything…not even caring how this crap makes them look….geez…

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