Took a little easy today…

Well…I really didn’t plan it but I took it a little easy today…was going to work on the kitchen windows but I remembered to chronicle it this time and couldn’t get photos since the camera on my tablet is pretty crappy and the light coming in washed it out…so I took the photos a few minutes ago and will get on to the work tomorrow…will take a few days to get them sanded, filled and then re-sanded but I may be able to paint them later in the week…and the kitchen windows are by far the worst of the 12 I have to do so it looks like about a day of prep for each of the rest of them…and I need to look at depot to see if they have grey shades in the sizes I need….I still can’t believe how half assed everything is around here…and forty years of half assed is going to take a while to fix….

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