Well…just got done with the last hand car wash of the year and was looking at the hole they dug for the foundation of the new house across the street and there is one thing I don’t understand about all of the new houses they are building out here….they are all on slabs with no basements….I find that to be a little weird…I mean it doesn’t cost that much more to put in a full basement and have all that extra room so why don’t they do it? These new houses are all from 150-250K so throwing another 20 grand for twice the room seems like it would be a good idea…but, what do I know….what I do know is that I can’t wait for them to get the house framed in so I don’t have to look at the trashy rental a street over…and it looks like it’s going to be a two story like most of the rest of the new ones being built out here…and that will be the 24th new house within 2 blocks of me and means my house will be worth even more…cripes I may have a 130K house within the next couple of years….and that would be cool….