
Well…just finished shoveling the snow and…owww…my back did not like that at all and now I’m sitting here stiff as heck and I’m going to have to take something for it soon…had some drifts in front of my garage door that were 2 feet deep and at least 8 inches everywhere else…and it’s still snowing and blowing out here so I’ll have to do it again tomorrow but I needed to get the front walk cleared…and even with doing all of it, it only took me about 20 minutes so that was cool…but it looks like it is going to snow for the next 5 days out here so I’ll be working pretty hard to keep the walks clean…and I won’t be going anywhere til next wed when I do the grocery run….but, I’m used to staying in with this damn virus everywhere so no big deal….might watch the first Wings game tonight since I saw they won big last night…probably won’t even recognize most of the kids on the team….but I can invest in hour to see the first period….we’ll see…

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