A little fooling around…

Well…there is one problem with getting all your work done early in the day…it leaves too much time on your hands to just fool around…so today, the big doors on the kitchen cabinets were annoying the heck out of me since they wouldn’t stay closed and it hit me that I had a box full of new hardware downstairs so I thought I’d look to see if I had any self closing hinges in the pile and I did…some really nice bronze ones that fit right in the same holes so all I had to do was take the old ones off and screw the new ones on and now the doors stay closed and at any other position that I want…and that is with only one new hinge on each door…didn’t have time to replace them all with Man U playing but will get to putting the other two up tomorrow and even adjust them so they fit like they’re supposed to but that will mean re-drilling some of the holes since they are a good 1/4 of an inch off at least…will have to see if I have enough of them to do all of the doors…I need 16 in total to do them all and I’m not sure if I have that many…will count them tomorrow and see…back to ManU…dang, it’s cold out here…only 11 degrees right now and getting down to 0 overnight…brrr…still need to put the trash out later….

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