Well….boy, some news I’ve been waiting for out of Georgia in the case of election fraud against idiot boy…in early December, idiot boy’s lawyers were seen meeting with the Fulton county DA to talk to her about the case she is building against trump and all of his cronies who tried to interfere with the election by having the SoS “find” 12,000 votes to give idiot boy the victory…and normally when these meetings take place, it is because the DA has enough evidence to indict the targets of the investigations…and the DA herself has said that she feels the evidence warrants the empaneling of a grand jury for just that end….so, while the DOJ may not get it’s head out of it’s ass and charge trump for all of his crimes, this state case is a felony that could land him in jail for 20 years…and maybe even Lindsey Graham since he did the same damn thing by calling the SoS and spouting the same lies that idiot boy did and putting the same pressure on him to declare that trump won the state…this case should come to a head sometime in the spring and we just may see trump doing the perp walk that he has been able to avoid his whole criminal life….geez…