I’m exhausted and I don’t know why…

Well…damn, I am exhausted and I can’t figure out why…I mean I’ve been good for almost a month now with no cocktails and I’ve been sleeping okay, and I only did three doors today…I know it took me three hours but I haven’t been this worn out since I started being good…I know I only had some beef stir fry that was mostly veggies for lunch yesterday which was about 500 calories or so and then just a boneless skinless chicken breast for dinner with nothing else other than a glass of milk and that is about 300 cals so maybe it’s just from not eating enough? I didn’t really do anything yesterday so I didn’t need to eat much so 800 calories should have been enough…yeah, I know…a normal person is supposed to take in at least 2K calories a day but how do you eat that much? I’ve never been able to…okay, going to stop bitching about it…you know I have an eating disorder and it’s the only way I don’t weigh 300 pounds…hmmm…I did get a bike ride in this morning so maybe that is it? I’m tired of thinking about it but I’m still only going to have another chicken breast and some steamed broccoli for dinner…all I know is that I’m damn tired…and this is the last one for my record breaking month….124 of these? That’s an average of 4 a day and I feel pretty good about that…no more later…unless I read something that I need to talk about…

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