February 7th

Well…damn, I slept hard last night…felt like curling where they keep shouting “HARD” while someone is sweeping in front of the stone…okay, I get it, most of you won’t get the curling reference but if you have the chance, watch a little at the Olympics and you’ll see what I mean…I think I’m going to take a week off after getting the last 4 doors hung in the kitchen today and finishing up the drawers tomorrow…I really need to clean up the dust room downstairs and put stuff away and I need to rest my hands since they hurt so badly and have cuts and bruises all over them that I can barely move them…and the pain has moved into my right elbow, shoulder, and back. and I know that nothing will help that except for rest….so a big push over the next two days and then some time off….and then back on the kitchen for the ceiling, walls, and trim to finish it up…I was a little stupid yesterday and only had one meal and some toast to eat and that will change today since I know I’m going to feel it later…when I was sanding the doors in the dust room, the dust made the cobwebs visible and, even though it was a little gross, it looked cool, too and I have to remember to vacuum them up as I tear it down…lots to do today….need to get on the bike here in a few minutes and then fill all the flaws in the drawers so I can sand and paint them tomorrow….and I do have to sand the big patch in the kitchen and do a little detail sanding so the corners look finished and then clean up after that…and that should be the last of the big dust and my skin can use the rest…more later…

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