Well…sure hope I can figure out what the heck I did last night but I was able to breathe and didn’t wake up til 6:30…and have just a hint of a headache and I’ll take that all day long…oh, and Happy St. Patrick’s day! I do have some Irish heritage so I may lift a glass later today…not sure what is going to be in the glass but I’ll lift one just the same…not making any corned beef and cabbage this year since I couldn’t find any that isn’t way too much money…I mean I got it for 2.99 a pound last year and this year it’s 4.99 and I really don’t need to spend that cash when I can get chicken for 39 cents a pound…we’ll see if it goes on sale after today and then I may buy a small two pounder…it was nice to get outside on the bike yesterday and it is warm enough to get out right now but it’s still too dark so I’ll be back on the indoor bike this morning…I do want to wash the car after the ride and then get the outdoor ride in before Michigan plays in the tournament at noon today so I’ll need to get going to get everything done before then….sill need to get some work done in the bathroom today, too, so I guess I should get going….going to finish up the leftovers today and cook some chicken later that I can use for a few things…probably some chicken tacos since I have the pepper and tortillas leftover from the pork….more later….