Well…after that rant, let’s talk about something a little more pleasant…when I got started riding inside this year, I had a goal in my head of around 600 miles before the first of April and for a while it looked like there was no way to make it when I got the chance to ride outside. But, with the cold weather coming back and staying after just 75 miles outside, I only have 16 more miles to do to make the goal…and that will happen Tuesday with two days to spare before the 1st….and I didn’t have an indoor bike last year and also didn’t get outside for any rides until almost mid April…and I still almost made it to 5K miles even with working on this place for hours every day…and with hoping to have the entire summer off after finishing the big bedroom by the end of May, I am going to try to beat my 6K record that I did a couple of years ago….and that will mean at least 45 miles a day from then on…with doing 30 a day as soon as it gets warm….I am really hoping to get down to 175 pounds by the end of riding season this year since I am close to end of summer weight right now with cutting out the booze and riding indoors….I ran out of holes in my belt a couple of weeks ago so that means I’ve lost a couple of inches off my waist so that is a good sign….but right now I’m just going to watch the rest of the F1 race and then the nascar race later…veg day!