Well…okay, this is a little strange…just noticed that after being out in the sun for over 3 hours yesterday, I got some sunburn and it is starting to hurt a bit…and I even got some on my face where I used 50 sunscreen and that shouldn’t happen…but I now realized that I only used sunscreen for the first ride and forgot it for the other two…so I’ll have some color to make me look less like a damn ghost….as I’ve said before, I’m one of the whitest people you’ll ever see…almost to the point of being transparent so I don’t really mind getting a little burned…but I won’t have to worry about that for another two weeks at least with how damn cold it is going to be…I mean May is coming fast and it is still in the 40′s? That kind of sucks but it keeps the noise down around here…I guess that’s something…