Well…darn, running late this morning and I am going to blame it on having a cocktail last night…feel pretty lousy right now and still exhausted and all I want to do is go back to bed….don’t think I’m going to do that again for a while since it is another thing that just doesn’t do anything for me anymore….too damn much guilt for doing it and I haven’t felt that for a long time…and I’m sore as heck, too, and I didn’t even do anything strenuous yesterday…okay, my computer is telling me it’s humid again and I still don’t see the worth of that information….I mean, what are you supposed to do about humidity? Not sure….should you stay in the house? Should you dress for it? Do I have to go out and buy humidity clothes? Weird….the car did run great yesterday with the new oil and spark plugs and I’m not sure if I’m the only one that feels that way….but it does start differently and I don’t know what that is about…it takes about an extra crank for it to fire up and I hope it’s just in my head and not in the car….it looks like i won’t get outside on the bike today with the high only about 50…and yes, it is May and that sucks…but I will be going over a thousand miles on the indoor bike today if I can drag myself down there here in a few minutes…not much to do today…just the bike ride and mowing the lawn for work…and I do need to cook today since I only had one meal yesterday and that kept me under 1,000 calories for the day….have some tilapia fillets that need to be cooked along with the leftover pizza that I made Friday….then I need to plan the rest of the meals for the week and try some new recipes since I’m kind of stuck with having chicken since I can’t get anything else that cheap…I was really hoping that the rain would have cleared the air of the tree pollen that is making me miserable…maybe tomorrow since it’s supposed to rain all day…and that’s why I have to mow today since the grass is already almost too long for mulching…more later…