Well…yeah, I did look for a political topic all day today…but not too hard so I was bored this aft and thought I’d replace the broken electrical outlet since it is a pretty easy job…so I moved the couch and got at it after I went downstairs to shut the power off…and this house is wired up pretty weird…the breaker that runs the living room also runs half of the basement and I guess that is what they had to do with only 6 breakers for this whole house…I am gradually getting rid of the old two prong outlets so I don’t have to use the grey adapters much anymore and that will be a project to complete as I work on this place….it only took about 10 minutes to do the job and get everything buttoned back up but I did have a problem that I kicked myself a bit from…in trying to find the right breaker, I shut the kitchen one off which blanked all of the clocks in there, one of which is on my coffee maker…so I reset the clocks…or thought I did until the coffee maker started to bubble and make coffee at 6pm…so I had to let it finish and then reset the clock to the right time…but that means I won’t have a coffee smell alarm clock to wake me up in the morning…darn….oh, well…at least I got something done today other than ride the bike…