I’m waiting…

Well…sitting here waiting for the January 6th hearing to start and thought I’d do another one of these while I wait…I did get out to get my 30 miles miles in and that was a bit of a struggle with no break in between and the wind blowing hard from the southeast….but, I got that done and then, with the delay in the start of the hearing, I lugged the AC unit up here and installed it in the bedroom window…when I tried it out it started right up and will need to run a while to get really cold…the high is supposed to be 86 today so I may need it for later…with the double hung windows in the house, I can still open the the top pane of the window if I just need some air flow without the AC unit on…I am going to head out to the beach after the hearing is over to get a swim in and get a little sun with the heat and maybe even see a storm coming in if I get lucky…we’ll see….more later….

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