Well…it’s been almost 18 months since the January 6th attacks on our country and we have enough evidence to convict the idiot trump of multiple crimes, so why hasn’t he been charged with anything? Even before the January 6th committee revealed how many crimes he committed, the Mueller report had enough evidence to charge idiot boy with 10 counts of obstruction of justice and that came out 3 years ago…we knew that barr wouldn’t do anything but what about Garland? Why is he letting trump and his criminal cronies run free and continue their attack on this country? Doesn’t he understand that this was a coup attempt and the right response would be to levy charges against all of them and as part of the charges, invoke the 14th amendment prohibition of ever holding office again that was used against the traitors after the civil war? What about the 147 repub members of congress who were part of the coup by voting to not certify the electoral college votes? Why have none of them been subpoenaed to testify to their roles? Many of these same folks are still running for congress and are still spouting the “big lie” that the election was stolen and yet Garland does nothing. Can we just replace Garland already? Can we get someone for AG who understands that the AG’s job is to protect the rule of law in this country and doesn’t just talk about it? As every day goes by with the leaders of the repub party not being held accountable for their criminal behavior just emboldens them and reinforces their belief that they ARE above the law and they will make sure they are after the next election…fish or cut bait, Garland. Geez….