Tag Archives: Merrick Garland

Who woke Merrick Garland up?

Well…with the announcement that a rental software company and a bunch of huge rental companies are being sued for price fixing, my only question is: who woke Merrick Garland up? This companies software allowed these companies to collude to raise rental prices across the US and if the Justice Department is to the point of suing, you know that have the evidence sine they really hate to lose…now, Merrick, why don’t you break up the huge monopolies in food, Insurance, banking, and everything else that has allowed these companies to steal billions and billions of dollars from the American consumer…I mean 80% of the food production in this country is owned by 6 companies…and while we’re at it, why not go after the media monopolies like Sinclair who own almost all of the television stations in this country…and let’s bring competition back into every market and stop the consolidation in the food retail industry so the owners won’t be able to gouge us on food prices…this is how the repubs have rigged the markets here in the states…break them all up like they did to AT&T in the 70′s, injecting competition into the telephone industry…geez…


Well…today Merrick Garland testified in the clown show of the house run by the repubs today and it wasn’t pretty…for the repubs…Garland called gaetz a liar to his face and that Joe Biden had nothing to do with the 34 felonies that idiot boy was convicted of…and then gaetz just got up and left after his time was up since it was all just grandstanding bullshit from him and all of the repubs as they try to figure out a way to spin the convictions and kiss idiot boy’s ass…I have been asking for this kind of thing for a long time and Garland brought it when he schooled gaetz like a toddler, explaining to him that the WH has no authority over the STATE courts in NY where the idiot was convicted…contrast that with what Joe Biden hasn’t said as his only remaining son goes on trial today…no “rigged courts” no “proffering of a pardon”, no attacks on the prosecutor or the courts in general…all things that idiot boy is still doing…so don’t tell me that both candidates are the same…geez…

Merrick Garland’s mic drop moment…

Well…if you saw or read the news since the serving of the warrant on the idiot trump’s tacky golf course, the right has been going on and on and on if the search warrant was legal, why doesn’t the DOJ release it and the list of things seized…they must be covering something up…so today, Merrick Garland gave a press conference saying that he has petitioned a judge to allow him to release the warrant that will list all of the laws that were broken and the things that were to be seized…and he has given idiot boy til tomorrow at 3 pm to file a motion with the judge why it shouldn’t be or it will be released…something that trump could have done himself since he has copies of both but he knows that he will really look like a criminal if it is. All I can say is well played, Garland…he is calling all of the bullshit that has come out of the right since the warrant was executed…so what do you say now, fox news? I may have been wrong about Garland and my bitching that he and the doj were not doing enough to hold the criminal trump accountable…and I will say it…I was wrong…Garland is doing exactly what the doj should always do…following the evidence wherever it leads no matter who it leads to…good job….

Can we just replace Garland already?

Well…it’s been almost 18 months since the January 6th attacks on our country and we have enough evidence to convict the idiot trump of multiple crimes, so why hasn’t he been charged with anything? Even before the January 6th committee revealed how many crimes he committed, the Mueller report had enough evidence to charge idiot boy with 10 counts of obstruction of justice and that came out 3 years ago…we knew that barr wouldn’t do anything but what about Garland? Why is he letting trump and his criminal cronies run free and continue their attack on this country? Doesn’t he understand that this was a coup attempt and the right response would be to levy charges against all of them and as part of the charges, invoke the 14th amendment prohibition of ever holding office again that was used against the traitors after the civil war? What about the 147 repub members of congress who were part of the coup by voting to not certify the electoral college votes? Why have none of them been subpoenaed to testify to their roles? Many of these same folks are still running for congress and are still spouting the “big lie” that the election was stolen and yet Garland does nothing. Can we just replace Garland already? Can we get someone for AG who understands that the AG’s job is to protect the rule of law in this country and doesn’t just talk about it? As every day goes by with the leaders of the repub party not being held accountable for their criminal behavior just emboldens them and reinforces their belief that they ARE above the law and they will make sure they are after the next election…fish or cut bait, Garland. Geez….

The ball’s in your court, Merrick…

Well….with the information presented in just the first two hearings on January 6th, almost all legal pundits are saying that there is enough evidence there to indict the idiot trump on multiple charges, including fraud from the evidence that the money he solicited to “defend the election” went directly into his pocket to the tune of almost 300 million dollars as he lied to his rubes and they filled his pockets. Yesterday, Merrick Garland stated that his prosecutors are “watching the hearings” with the implication that they will be using that information to press charges against trump’s inner circle but why not trump? There is way too much hand wringing on indicting a former president and searching for excuses no to do it….he has to be treated just like anyone else and charges filed when it is clear he broke the law….and according to Laurence Tribe, the constitutional scholar, even before the hearings, there were 49 clear charges that could be brought with a good chance that all of them would result in  a conviction…so, the ball’s in your court, Merrick, is trump above the law or not? You’ve stated you would charge anyone who broke the law….trump did…indict…now…

Finally…the Jan 6th committee has had enough…

Well…after all of the time and evidence that the Jan 6th committee has provided to the justice department about the crimes of every damn one of trump’s cronies and Merrick Garland not doing a damn thing about, the committee members have had enough and have started to ask the same questions that everyone who cares about this country has been asking for over a year now…but Adam Schiff has put it nicer than I ever would…saying that he needs the justice department to do their job so the committee can do theirs…and that means that everyone who has been referred to the justice department for charges need to be indicted…and right now…how the hell could it take a year to look at the evidence that even the public knows and not do anything about it? If Garland won’t uphold the rule of law then we need someone who will…especially with a judge who has seen the evidence against Eastman and the idiot trump and has publicly stated that trump has committed multiple felonies trying to overthrow the government…what the hell else do you need to indict? Just today it was revealed that for almost 8 hours on January 6th, the call logs for the White House are blank when we know that many, many people talked to trump that day…now, this is obstruction of justice plain and clear and it is another felony that trump has committed…so where are you Garland? You have this evidence and yet you sit doing nothing…either get off your ass or get out of the way and let a real AG do the job of upholding the law…geez…

Idiot boy is going to be indicted…

Well…with the latest court filings by the Jan 6th committee, the only conclusion that can be drawn is idiot boy an his minions are going to be indicted sometime in the future….in a 61 page filing, the committees lawyers have told the court they have enough evidence to show that trump and his cronies tried to interfere with government functions and tried to overthrow the election…and that is nothing less than what one of the oathkeepers did who just pleaded guilty to seditious insurrection…and that is just one of the charges that trump is on the hook for…yeah, I know…I’ve been saying that idiot boy is going to be indicted for a long time now but if it doesn’t happen after this, Merrick Garland has to be fired and needs to take his ‘institutionalist”  views back to the 19th century where they belong…things have changed and these serious threats to our country need to be dealt with now…not some time in the future…and there was enough evidence in the Mueller report to charge the idiot with but it just sits there and nothing is done…what the hell is more important than protecting our democracy? I know I’ve said that before but damn, now’s the time to get off the damn fence before it’s too late…geez…

Is this enough to arrest him?

Well..after his Nazi rally over the weekend where the idiot trump threatened the prosecutors across the country who are investigating him and then following it up with a written admission that he was behind the January 6th attacks and trying to overturn the election…my only question is: Isn’t this enough to arrest him? I mean, with his admissions and all of the evidence that show his criminal behaviors, why the hell isn’t he sitting in a jail cell right now? If you or I threatened a DA who was investigating us, you can bet your ass we’d been in the klink awaiting trial so why is Garland letting him run free to try to incite riots if he is indicted? I think it’s bullshit that there is any political calculation here…there are crimes that idiot boy needs to be held responsible for and politics has nothing to do with it…did they think of the political considerations when they arrested John Gotti or any other criminal? Garland is destroying the rule of law in this country by letting trump dare the justice department to come after him while he sits on his hands and nothing happens…and it all traces back to him…if he doesn’t have the guts to go after idiot boy, then he should resign and let someone take over who will uphold the law no matter who the lawbreaker is…and it needs to happen now…it’s already been over a year since January 6th 2020 and that’s too long to let these crimes fester in the body politic…geez…

Let me get this straight….

Well…let me get this straight…the idiot trump’s cronies go on fox news and write books admitting they tried to overthrow the duly elected government of the US and the DOJ does nothing? No charges for any of them even when you have Navarro on every damn show boasting about the “beautiful” plan he and Bannon cooked up and even walked people on fox news through the process and bitched that it would have worked if the maga morons hadn’t attacked the capital building…damn, that’s like a bank robber trying to rob a bank unsuccessfully and then the cops just let him go around free bragging about it….I think the DOJ needs to get on the ball and start charging these guys before all of their credibility is gone….and before everyone in this country just ignores the law as the repubs do now…someone needs to light a fire under Garland and get him going of he needs to be replaced…after all, it’s been almost a year since the attack happened and the idiot trump is going to use it to rally the people who attacked the capital into doing it again….so get going Garland…tick tock…geez…

He admitted it live on tv…

Well…I wonder if this will be enough for Merrick Garland to at least investigate trump now….just yesterday, on live tv, the idiot trump admitted that he fired James Comey because, if he didn’t, the were going to “get” him….now, I’m not a lawyer but damn, if that’s not obstruction of justice, what the hell is? One of the things that Garland said was that the law applies to everyone…so why hasn’t idiot boy been indicted yet? This is what happens when you don’t hold people accountable for their crimes…they continue to break the law in plain sight and this has been the case for rich people in this country for a long time….I know I expect Biden to stay out of the business of the DOJ and not use it as his personal law firm like trump did…but, there had to have been discussions on what the priorities of the DOJ were going to be under Garland, and restoring the rule of law had to be in the top 5…so why isn’t it happening? It’s been almost a year since the attack on congress and only the little fish have been charged and convicted…what about the planners and financiers of the attack? Why have none of them been charged? I am losing faith in Garland and his approach…the people of the US needs to hear that something is happening to finally hold people accountable, damn the political fallout….and it needs to happen now….geez…