Well…let me get this straight…the idiot trump’s cronies go on fox news and write books admitting they tried to overthrow the duly elected government of the US and the DOJ does nothing? No charges for any of them even when you have Navarro on every damn show boasting about the “beautiful” plan he and Bannon cooked up and even walked people on fox news through the process and bitched that it would have worked if the maga morons hadn’t attacked the capital building…damn, that’s like a bank robber trying to rob a bank unsuccessfully and then the cops just let him go around free bragging about it….I think the DOJ needs to get on the ball and start charging these guys before all of their credibility is gone….and before everyone in this country just ignores the law as the repubs do now…someone needs to light a fire under Garland and get him going of he needs to be replaced…after all, it’s been almost a year since the attack happened and the idiot trump is going to use it to rally the people who attacked the capital into doing it again….so get going Garland…tick tock…geez…