Well..after his Nazi rally over the weekend where the idiot trump threatened the prosecutors across the country who are investigating him and then following it up with a written admission that he was behind the January 6th attacks and trying to overturn the election…my only question is: Isn’t this enough to arrest him? I mean, with his admissions and all of the evidence that show his criminal behaviors, why the hell isn’t he sitting in a jail cell right now? If you or I threatened a DA who was investigating us, you can bet your ass we’d been in the klink awaiting trial so why is Garland letting him run free to try to incite riots if he is indicted? I think it’s bullshit that there is any political calculation here…there are crimes that idiot boy needs to be held responsible for and politics has nothing to do with it…did they think of the political considerations when they arrested John Gotti or any other criminal? Garland is destroying the rule of law in this country by letting trump dare the justice department to come after him while he sits on his hands and nothing happens…and it all traces back to him…if he doesn’t have the guts to go after idiot boy, then he should resign and let someone take over who will uphold the law no matter who the lawbreaker is…and it needs to happen now…it’s already been over a year since January 6th 2020 and that’s too long to let these crimes fester in the body politic…geez…