What’s the endgame?

Well…as I listen to the repub political ads on tv, the question hits me…what’s the endgame for all this MAGA bullshit?They all still believe that the idiot trump was the bestest president in the history of presidentin’ and are content to plug their ears and whistle whenever any evidence (like the January 6th committee evidence) shows that he was a venal criminal who doesn’t give a crap about any of them…and the only thing he has done for them is making the crude, racist assholery that they were forced to hide before acceptable to a small part of the country since he is a crude racist asshole and I guess that makes him their god. I even saw a corvette out here today with the idiots face on the hood and trump 2024 all along the side. But what is their endgame? What do they hope to gain by believing all the lies when acting on them have put thousands of them in jail….and creating a new religion based on MAGA and QANON is going to isolate them even more from the real world society and make them even more susceptible to the demagogue that trump is…after all, he has raised over 300 million dollars from the rubes even after January 6th and this grifting has only slowed a bit…so they give up a nice vacation or a new car to give money to trump? I’m sorry…I don’t like to call people names but this isĀ  a sorry lot of losers who actually love being lied to and taken advantage of and I have no sympathy for them at all…they are nasty people who deserve whatever they get…I hope idiot boy ends up will all their money…maybe then they’ll wise up…ha,ha…that mad me laugh..they will never wise up and they will blame everyone else when they end up broke…geez…

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