Got out to the beach again today…

Well…even with getting the two bike rides in and then using the string trimmer to do the trimming and edging the sidewalks, oh by the way the damn thing ran out of gas and now it won’t idle…crap…I did get out to the beach for a swim and some sun and while I was sitting there sipping on my second beer, “home at last” by SD came on and it had a line in it: “could it be that I have found my home at last?” and I sat there and thought “could be”…after all, I love the beach and swimming and today I let myself go and just relaxed there and it is something that I have a really hard time with….stayed out there for 2 1/2 hours and today I was smart and lathered up with 30 sunscreen before I went out so there was just a little sun damage…all in all, a pretty good day where I still accomplished something…have to keep that up Thursday…can’t go tomorrow with the dentist appointment or maybe I can go after? but that will put me out there around 2 and that may be a bit too late…we’ll see…

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