Well…the plan for the repubs for this fall’s election was to hammer the dems on inflation and gas prices…blaming Biden for all of it when inflation is world wide and high gas prices are a result of price gouging by the oil companies. But, guess what? With reports out this morning, the expectations for inflation to moderate back to pre pandemic values by early next year and gas prices have been falling for 60 days in a row now and are under 4 bucks a gallon out here…so now what are the repubs going to run on? Making sure diabetics have to pay thousands for insulin instead of the 35 dollars a month cap that the dems wanted? Or gutting Medicare and Social Security like ole Ron Johnson the senator from Wisconsin has just publicly stated and that is the holy grail of shredding the social safety net that the repubs want….I guess they can run on being against everything that the dems want but most of it is pretty popular so that probably won’t work….more guns on the street? 80% of the country doesn’t want that…outlawing abortion in the states? 70% of the US doesn’t want that so that won’t work…look, they have nothing but hatred to run on in this election and I think the US is getting tired of that bullshit…so maybe this could be a good election for us especially after getting the inflation act passed…once people know what is in it, they will love it…and not one repub voted for it…but that hasn’t stopped them from lying and taking credit for it and the good things it will do….it’s what they do every time…geez….