No sun today….

Well…I finally did something smart today and stayed out of the sun to let my skin heal up….but I hurt my side again trimming the bushes in the rental next door that were blocking the sun from my garden and looking pretty hideous…and I broke my HF scissor clippers that are only a year old so that sucks…need to try to figure out how to fix them…will probably drill out the handles and put a piece of steel inside both parts and then JB weld the whole thing back together but I need to find a piece of steel that will work without buying something…I guess I could buy a chunk of threaded rod but I could just buy another set for 10 bucks and not do all the work…if I have something I can use here I’ll give it a try….okay, now it’s time to watch a race and get ready for a night off…no more later….

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