Well…if it wasn’t bad enough that the repubs put up some seriously lousy candidates for the senate who are trailing in the polls…now it’s being reported that the repub senate committee is running out of money after raising 173 million dollars for the 33 senate races the repubs are in and only spending 20 million on ads and having only 28 million cash on hand left…and my only question is what did they expect with putting rick Scott in charge of this slush fund? You know ole ricky…the guy whose company stole billions from Medicare and had to pay the biggest fine in history of a billion dollars to settle the case…and yet these repub geniuses put this guy in charge of almost 200 million dollars? How much do you want to bet he skimmed off much of the 125 million that is not accounted for? How the heck to you spend 12 million dollars on an Amex card? Yep, that’s one of the bills that have been revealed but that is about it…no accounting, no nothing for the 125 mil that is missing….You know, it does make me kind of laugh when these repubs are taken for cash by one of their own and doesn’t leave much to spread their lies in the senate races…and, as I said the other day, this committee is canceling almost 15 million in ads that were to run this fall since they are almost out of cash…ha, ha, ha…mitch isn’t going to be majority leader of the senate and it is finally starting to sink in that maybe running a tv charlatan or a washed up running back for the senate wasn’t a good idea…poor babies….ha. ha. ha…again…geez…