Well…if it wasn’t bad enough that the repubs put up some seriously lousy candidates for the senate who are trailing in the polls…now it’s being reported that the repub senate committee is running out of money after raising 173 million dollars for the 33 senate races the repubs are in and only spending 20 million on ads and having only 28 million cash on hand left…and my only question is what did they expect with putting rick Scott in charge of this slush fund? You know ole ricky…the guy whose company stole billions from Medicare and had to pay the biggest fine in history of a billion dollars to settle the case…and yet these repub geniuses put this guy in charge of almost 200 million dollars? How much do you want to bet he skimmed off much of the 125 million that is not accounted for? How the heck to you spend 12 million dollars on an Amex card? Yep, that’s one of the bills that have been revealed but that is about it…no accounting, no nothing for the 125 mil that is missing….You know, it does make me kind of laugh when these repubs are taken for cash by one of their own and doesn’t leave much to spread their lies in the senate races…and, as I said the other day, this committee is canceling almost 15 million in ads that were to run this fall since they are almost out of cash…ha, ha, ha…mitch isn’t going to be majority leader of the senate and it is finally starting to sink in that maybe running a tv charlatan or a washed up running back for the senate wasn’t a good idea…poor babies….ha. ha. ha…again…geez…
Tag Archives: rick scott
Do you need a better reason?
Well…please tell me you’ve been following the news about the criminal Rick Scott, you know the one, whose company paid a 200 million dollar fine for defrauding Medicare? The one who is now a senator from Florida? He said the quiet thing out loud last week when he put out a repub economic plan that they are going to pass if they take control of the congress in 2022…the highlights are raising taxes on 100 million middle class Americans…so if you make 50K a year, your taxes are going up by almost 5K a year…and if you’re one of the rich, you get a tax cut that will be paid for by the middle class….and if that’s not bad enough, his plan eliminates SS and Medicare in 5 years…leaving everyone who needs it to stay alive to fend for themselves or go back to work at 80 years old…essentially saying if you weren’t able to grift the billions he did, it’s just too damn bad and you can just lose everything and starve….this is what the repubs have always wanted…every person for themselves and the hundreds of thousands you paid into SS is just gone…poof…so they can give that money to the rich since they need it so badly…look, do you need a better reason to vote against every damn repub in the fall? We’ve paid our way our entire lives but that isn’t enough for these pricks…unless people are poor and dependent on them to throw them a few scraps, the repubs won’t be happy….we need to stop them…there is no better reason to crawl over broken glass to vote these assholes out…or they are going to steal what you worked your entire life for….just damn vote…geez…
Rick Scott is a liar and an idiot…
Well…okay…I do have to get more creative in my titles here…I know that but just reading an article about the latest nonsense out of Florida made the title seem just so appropriate….as you know, the latest thing in the minds of repubs is that Planned Parenthood needs to be shut down because some anti abortion group faked some videos that made it look like they were doing something illegal…and, it looks like repub legislators were colluding with this hate group in ginning up this outrage,,,and now, after many state investigations, there has not been one instance where PP was found to not be following the law…and this was the same in Florida but that didn’t stop ole Rick from taking the results of the investigation and changing them to make it look like they found something and then forced the investigators to say that all of the doctors that worked there were going to be investigated, too….in my day, political nonsense like this would result in a resignation of the idiot Scott…but, to Florida, it’s just business as usual and nothing will happen…what the hell happened to honesty in this country…especially from the right where lying seems to be a requirement for their politicians? How do they live with themselves? Easily, it appears…geez…
Rick Scott shows what a true republican is…
Well…have been reading all morning trying to find topics to get caught up on these and ran across a story that is the true distillation of republicanism playing out in Florida…with the tax cuts for the rich decimating the budget there, the gov, Rick Scott, has indiscriminately slashed the budgets of all departments of the government…with huge cuts to child and family services that Scott said is necessary to “grow jobs” in Florida. But the unintended consequence, or maybe it is intended, is that over the past few months, 40 children have died because there are just no longer enough case workers to go around and highly at risk children were returned to dangerous home situations. I’m not sure what else to say about it…but, it point outs the callousness and disdain that the poor get from republicans since they are “takers” in their eyes…geez…