Well…have been searching for a topic for today for quite a while now and am not having any luck so far…I did get a laugh a few minutes ago when I read the latest excuse why the idiot trump had 40 boxes of classified material in his tacky golf club and it has left me shaking my head….idiot boy needed all that material so he could write his “memoirs” according to some random congressman who I guess has been chosen to go out and lie to the public…and he also claimed that every other president has gotten to look at his papers for just that reason…but the key here is that none of them ever took boxes and boxes of them and stored them in their basement and then refused to give them back when the FBI came calling….the National Archives is always in control of them and they can only be copied after a review of how classified they are…and really, do you think that idiot boy is “writing” his memoirs? Hell, he can barely read let alone write and what purpose would nuclear secrets serve? Was he going to explain how nuclear weapons work? Yeah, that made me laugh, too…this coming from the idiot who said that windmills cause cancer and who is dumber than a box of rocks….could someone please indict this asshole soon? geez…