Well…if it wasn’t bad enough that the governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, kidnapped 50 people who were in the country legally and spent over 12,000 dollars for each person to then fly them to Martha’s Vineyard and dump them there…oh, and he took them from Texas, not even from Florida…but it came out today that he had fancy brochures printed up out of taxpayers money and given to those he kidnapped that lied to them and promised that they would get 8 months of cash assistance, assistance with housing, food, and job placement if they would get on the plane….and this is part of the actual kidnapping statute…if you lie to get people to come with you or go where you tell them, it is felony kidnapping and DeSantis should be charged with it today…and some of the people he put on that plane were children and even infants…isn’t that child endangerment since he had no intent of taking care of them after the plane ride and they and their parents were just dumped at the airport and told to start walking? This is what you get with the repubs who are never held accountable for their crimes…they think the laws don’t apply to them and you get kidnapping in broad daylight…geez…