Well…as you can see, there is a problem with getting out of bed a little after 6 and not being able to get on the bike til almost 10…have too much time to fill and I’m really not motivated to start on the windows in the dining room, so I sit here and do another one of these….when I should be cleaning the bathroom…hey, that’s an idea, I think I’ll do that here in a minute…have a new bathroom cleaner to try to get the soap scum and calcium deposits off the shower….and with the white trim, it needs to be washed all the time with how dusty this house is…and I have an hour before it’s warm enough to get out on the bike…that would be an accomplishment that I can build the rest of the day on….once I get started on the bike, I won’t be done til almost 1 and that will make for a late lunch but I still need to do an early dinner to try to work on my new eating pattern…think I’m going to cook the rest of the pork loin later and that will keep me eating for the rest of the week…need to get off my butt and get cleaning….more later…