Well…as you know, I had a colonoscopy scheduled for today and I was a little concerned what they would find…to start, the new cleanse is so much better than the old stuff with just 24 pills to take over 12 hours instead of drinking the gagging gallons of the old stuff…and it cleaned me out so well the procedure only took about 20 minutes and the good news is they found nothing…no cancer, no polyps but just a little bit of diverticulitis that is to be expected in someone my age…and that pushes the next one back 5 years if I have one at all…and he thinks my prostate was a little large on one side but with no symptoms he was not concerned at all…and that made for a pretty good day for me…and I had pizza when I go home that tasted great but I only had two pieces since I didn’t want to give up the calorie reduction that I’ve had with not eating for the past two days….I may have some cheese and crackers later to get over 1,000 calories for the day but we’ll see….right now I’m just going to enjoy not having any health problems and have a cocktail or two tonight…