Well…have some time on my hands this morning with the temp dropping to 30 outside right now and that is way too damn cold to go out and work on the leaves…so I thought I’d come here to talk to my PA friends about the senate race there…the other night, there was the one and only debate between the carpetbagger Oz, and John Fetterman and if you listen to the modern media, the only story coming out of it was that Fetterman, who is recovering from a stroke just a month or so ago is not able to do the job as senator since he has symptoms of the stroke still and at times haltingly speaks and takes time to formulate answers…now, is the media trying to do the repubs work for them? I would focus on the policy that each candidate has put forward, and on that it was shown that Oz is just another repub who wants to take rights away from women in PA and showed it with this comment from the debate…when asked if women’s healthcare choices should be only between her and her doctor, Oz responded that the choice should be “between the woman, her doctor, and local government officials” yeah, you heard that right…for the most intimate medical decisions that a woman can make, Oz wants her to have to go to “local government officials” to get approval to save her life if there is a problem with a pregnancy or even if there’s not….now, PA men, how would you like it if you had to go to “local government officials” to get approval for a colonoscopy that could save your life? Or get approval from these same officials if you want to get a vasectomy or be treated for an STI? Do you have to bring one of these officials with you to your doctor’s appointment? Yeah, I know I’m using a little hyperbole but there is only one person in this race that will protect the privacy of all Americans and that is John Fetterman….and he will help to restore the rights of over half of this country to what they were under Roe…and Oz won’t…it’s that clear…vote Fetterman for a better US….geez….