A new way for the repubs to cheat…

Well…you know, if the repubs would make as much effort putting together policies that help people as they do figuring out new ways to cheat in elections, they may just be more successful then they are. Just the other day, I read an article that exposed the newest way for them to cheat…by flooding the country with biased polls like the one from Rasmussen that always favors repubs, they are trying to discourage our side from voting since these polls make it appear the the outcome is a foregone conclusion with the repubs winning…and with the hundreds of roadblocks that the repubs have thrown up against voters on our side…it makes it easier for our folks to justify not voting if it looks like the votes won’t matter. Damn, I am sick and tired of these assholes trying to ruin this country and stealing elections…but we all know why they do it…without cheating, the repubs would never win another election since they have no policies that anyone wants….but I am also confused why dems won’t come out to vote since the dems do…okey dem voters and independents…get off your asses and vote like your life depends on it…in my case, it does since the repubs want to destroy the very Medicare that is going to pay for the treatment I’m going to need to survive…and you could be next…geez…

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