Well…if there is election cheating going on, you know it will be repubs doing it…and now their latest scheme in states with repub AGs is to keep Biden off the ballot in their states because the dem nominating convention is after the August 7th deadline in Ohio…now in 2020 when both the dem and repub conventions were after the deadline, so the repubs worked with the dems to pass legislation that would get around the date….but this time, since the repub convention will be before the deadline, the AG and the repub party has said they won’t change the law again and biden can’t be on the ballot…and they are pulling this same crap in Alabama and other red states…so you know…cheating…since they can’t win with a loser like the idiot trump at the top of the ticket…now, I think the DNC should convene a special early convention an just nominate Biden right now sine he has won every primary by a huge margin and slap the dam repubs in the face…geez…
Tag Archives: repub election cheating
They’re all cheaters…
Well…read an interesting article yesterday that showed that every damn repub president since Eisenhower cheated to get into office…starting with Nixon who sent campaign people to South Vietnam to sabotage a peace agreement that LBJ had worked out between the North and south so Humphrey couldn’t run on that against Nixon…costing another 20K American lives and a million more Vietnamese just to get elected…and Reagan did the same damn thing running against Carter when he sent campaign staff to Iran to get them to hold the hostages until after the election, promising them a deal that would ensure they could get the spare parts for their American weapons after Carter already had a deal in place to get them released…and that morphed into the Iran/Contra scandal where Reagan committed treason and got away with it…sound familiar? Of course the we have Bush 1 who famously attacked Dukakis with the Willie Horton racist ads..and whose operatives fanned out across the country getting people thrown off the voter rolls….and then Bush 2 who used the Supreme Court to put him into office by stopping the vote counting in Florida which a study a little later by the NYT where every ballot was counted by hand found that Al Gore had won Florida by 5,000 votes and should have been president…and of course you know that the idiot trump was installed by Russian interference and paying off pornstars…I really don’t understand why this is not front page news across the country…not one of these repubs were legitimately elected…and yet we still live the damage that every one of them did…and no one cares…geez…
A new way for the repubs to cheat…
Well…you know, if the repubs would make as much effort putting together policies that help people as they do figuring out new ways to cheat in elections, they may just be more successful then they are. Just the other day, I read an article that exposed the newest way for them to cheat…by flooding the country with biased polls like the one from Rasmussen that always favors repubs, they are trying to discourage our side from voting since these polls make it appear the the outcome is a foregone conclusion with the repubs winning…and with the hundreds of roadblocks that the repubs have thrown up against voters on our side…it makes it easier for our folks to justify not voting if it looks like the votes won’t matter. Damn, I am sick and tired of these assholes trying to ruin this country and stealing elections…but we all know why they do it…without cheating, the repubs would never win another election since they have no policies that anyone wants….but I am also confused why dems won’t come out to vote since the dems do…okey dem voters and independents…get off your asses and vote like your life depends on it…in my case, it does since the repubs want to destroy the very Medicare that is going to pay for the treatment I’m going to need to survive…and you could be next…geez…