Ha, ha….the repubs here in Michigan are nuts…

Well…after the repubs lost everything here in Michigan when they couldn’t cheat, it is a little bit of fun listening to them pointing fingers at everyone but themselves…and they now have even started attacking the repubs who were at the top of the ticket saying they were not “quality” candidates…not that they are just the normal run of the mill maga candidates who had no ideas that anyone wanted…I mean the only reason that tudor dixon was their governor candidate was that betsy devos bought it for her…and all she did was spout that abortion rights would be gone if she was elected…and that was just so stupid with the constitutional amendment protecting those rights polling at nearly 70%…so she gave up all those votes for no reason at all…or just to keep the maga assholes happy…and that was the problem all the way down the ticket…and look at john gibbs who beat pete meijer in the primary…this said that women shouldn’t even have the right to vote and that was just fine with the repub primary voters…here’s the thing I’ve been harping on for quite a while now…if the vote is fair in Michigan, as it now has to be with gerrymandering essentially outlawed, we will win since they are more of us than repubs…and we have ideas for making the state better and the repubs only have hate to run on…and we’re tired of that crap…and that showed election day…yee ha…

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