Well…after waking up exhausted this morning and thinking I was going to take it a little easy, I did the stupid thing I always do and got started as soon as the sun came up and got the first ride in with the brutal wind out there…then out to run an errand, back here to do the leaves that took over two hours and I filled 8 more bags…thought I was going to have to go out and get more bags but I had exactly enough room in the bags to finish them up…then a quick lunch and back on the bike for the second ride where the wind was even more brutal than this morning…and that meant 6 hours of busting my butt and now I’m going to take it easy for the rest of the day…after getting the leaves done, my back froze up completely and I couldn’t move for a good minute…so I did take some ibuprofen before I got on the bike and it appears to have helped…so now I need to find a topic to do in politics…so, more later…