This will be fun to read…

Well…have been having a hell of a time coming up with a topic today but one just popped up over on Kos that I think I’ll talk a little about….a group of former prosecutors including Andrew Weissman, Joyce Vance, and Norm Eisen, among others is putting together a model prosecution  memorandum dealing with the crimes the idiot trump committed when he stole the thousands of government documents that were found at his tacky golf course in Florida…and it will state the case for indicting trump for 6 felonies and that is based only on public information and these lawyers think they have a case even without the grand jury information that is being kept secret by the DOJ…l really do hope they get this done pretty soon since it is going to be fun to read and I’ll bet it drives idiot boy crazy…it will also put pressure Merrick Garland to bring charges against the idiot since he knows all of the evidence and it has to be much, much more incriminating that what is in public….so, get at it guys, I can’t wait….geez…

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