Well…after getting out for two hard rides outdoors today, and my back not hurting much with heating it as soon as I got off the bike, I thought I got away with it…but nope, my back just froze up completely after sitting on the couch for a few minutes…and now my abs are getting back in the party, too…crap…I guess I could take something for it since I didn’t take anything yesterday….I did cook the big ham I got yesterday and I’m a little confused…it really doesn’t taste like anything…maybe a little bit like ham but not HAM! Like it should….I’ve seen this before with cheaper hams and it is a little disappointing since I’ve been looking forward to this for a month now…oh, well…life is full of disappointment…and it was only 8 bucks so no big loss…thinking about getting some shrimp tomorrow at Meijers since they have pound packages buy one get one free but that still makes it 5 bucks a pound and I wonder if it’s worth it or not? I guess I’ll have to think about that one….