Well…when you hear the repubs complain when they are called fascists for doing fascist things…just remember that they have a scheme to ignore voters and just install whoever they want in whatever office that is in the supreme court today…it’s called the independent legislature theory and it’s main tenet is that state legislatures are the only bodies who can set rules for voting in federal or state elections…and they argue the legislatures can ignore any votes they want…so dem votes will never be counted in repub controlled states again…how do you guys feel about that? This crackpot theory that is based on a lie is being argued right now and all of the conservative justices are just drooling that they can help out their repub cronies to just nullify elections they don’t like…that’s not fascist, right? Yeah, in reality that is right out of the fascist playbook on the first page….and the only reason it was taken up is alito wanted it so we know it doesn’t have to have any basis in law, truth, or reality for him to embrace it….look, if these guys are allowed to make this legal, this democracy is gone but that is what the repubs want…they know demographics are slowly dooming them electorally so they have to get the ultimate cheat authorized by the court…geez…