Well…damn, up at 4:08 this morning but laid back down til a little after 6 but didn’t feel like there was any sleep in there but there must have been…no dreams at all, though, and that means the sleep was pretty crappy…at least my back doesn’t hurt too much today but my abs do and that sucks….it looks like I’ll be riding indoors this morning with the temp only getting to 30 or so but I may get outside later if I get motivated….if I ride twice a day for the rest of the month, I may get close to the goal for the year since I’m sitting at 5,800 as of yesterday but to do another 250 miles by the end of the month? Not sure if that’s doable but I do feel good that I did as many as I have….didn’t get much done but laundry yesterday and I really should get to work on this place today but it’s unusual that I have such a lack of motivation that has gone on for months now…should have finished the dining room by now and I know all I have to do is start but I just don’t feel like it….oh, well…going to be working on leftovers for the next couple of days but I do need to cook some of the chicken I got yesterday…but that will wait til tomorrow since I still have soup to use and tons of ham left….not much to do today…just need to get on the bike by 8 so that gives me time to read some news and have another cup of coffee….I think I’ll hit 1,000 miles indoors this morning and that has been a lot of work….more later…