I made it!

Well…damn, I made it…got to my goal for miles on the bike for a year today…6,051 miles as of today beats my previous record of 6,043 from a few years back…and that includes 4,823 miles outside and 1,228 on the inside bike…it feels kind of good to have made it when I really didn’t think I was going to be able to do it when the snow came in and iced over the trails and I went from 30 miles a day outside to 16 miles a day inside…so I may try to do 49 more miles and get to even 6,100 and I have 5 days to do that…then I zero out the computers and it starts all over again…won’t beat that next year with having 6 weeks that I won’t be able to ride with the PSA test coming up the first week of Feb and then the 19 days in the UK in the fall…but that’s okay…it will just make ’24 the year I ride 7,000 miles…that’s the goal anyway…yee ha!

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