What a mess…

Well…we’re up to 4 votes for a new speaker of the House with no movement at all in the vote count…so what do the repubs do? Call for another vote….the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing but expect different results…but we didn’t need this vote to see that the repubs are insane…they have been since the astroturf tea party movement got started and the entire party took a lurch to the right and they are going farther and farther right as the minutes pass….I wonder if they can keep this up for two years? That would be a good way to avoid the bogus “investigations” they have been promising since they won the majority in November…one good thing that came out of this is that it looks like the idiot trump is losing part of his hold on what’s left of the repub party since he endorsed McCarthy yesterday and he got even less votes today….so, give it up kevvie…it looks like you’re not going to be speaker…geez…

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