Well…a new article out this morning shows that in the last 6 months of the idiot trump’s administration, he allowed his minions across the country to execute 10 times more people than the previous 10 administrations combined…and even 6 after he lost the election… and you can guess that racist asshole was just loving it since the majority of the prisoners on death row are minorities…every damn day when you think the news coming out about this absolute waste of skin can’t get worse , it keeps getting worse….how the hell do..okay, yeah, I understand how this asshole could do something like that…after all, he let hundreds of thousands of Americans die during the pandemic and he didn’t care…and he sent a mob to the capital with the knowledge that they may kill a bunch of people..and he watched gleefully as they were doing it…god I hate that asshole and I wish he would just die already…geez…