Well…as you have already seen too many times, running late again this morning because I read the paper and had my coffee first instead of doing this….but I’m here now and I need t get this finished so I can get out on the bike before 9….it’s already 62 degrees so I’m going out in a t-shirt this morning…couldn’t go yesterday with the 40 mph gusts…it’s just no fun to pedal as hard as you can and stand still. Took the day off yesterday from doing anything…other than vacuuming the couch and turning the cushions so I’m ready to get some stuff done today…and the bike ride will be caffeine fueled and I hope will make up for being lazy yesterday. I am a little disappointed with the Wings losing the first game but it was a fluke goal so what can you do? May be going out to watch part of it with K today so I need to find the gear and get it ready…other than that, not much to do today…I do have some thoughts on the neutralization of Obama that the repubs are trying; the same old playbook they used with Clinton and I’m getting tired of the lack of respect….more later…