Well…after this week and reading about the attacks on trans people by the NYT, my question is “what the hell is wrong with the NYT?” All week, they have been trying to justify their support of JK Rowling who wrote the Harry Potter books and her well known transphobia…and it has gotten so bad that hundreds of well known people have written letters to the Times asking what the hell? Who is calling the shots at the times who supports attacking an already besieged minority? All across the country, repubs are passing laws actually trying to outlaw trans people’s just living…outlawing the medical care that they need to survive and why is the Times piling on to that bullshit? Look, this same playbook was used to attack gay and lesbian people in the 60′s and 70′s but no one remembers history anymore so they are doomed to repeat it…what benefit do these attacks have for the Times? They’re never going to get the right wing assholes to subscribe to the paper so why attack just like the asshole repubs? I just don’t get it…a once objective paper now seems populated by fox news wannabes who just want to spread their hate…it’s a long way for the Times to fall…geez…